March 2015 Showlist
United Together for our Church
College Knights of the Hickey Assembly process with a blood relic of St. John Paul II on the eve of his Canonization outside of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Proud of our Catholic Heritage
Faithful Navigator Otto Heck processes with the Papal Bull declaring the formation of the Archdiocese of Washington on the 75th anniversary of its institution.
Religiously Devoted
Fourth Degree Knights stand guard over the relic of St. John Paul II at an outdoor event in Washington, DC
Patriotic Service to our Community
Members of the Color Corps on Parade in Washington, DC
Serving our Nation's Capital in Charity
The Officers of the Hickey Assembly lead hundreds of Knights in countless hours of charitable service to our Church, community, and Order every year.
Expanding our Reach
9 new Sir Knights joined the Hickey Assembly at the 2015 Archdiocese of Washington Priests' Exemplification held at the St. John Paul II National Shrine.
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Matthew, Mark and Luke all mention that at the death of Jesus, the veil (or curtain) of the Temple was torn in two, leaving the Holy of Holies open and exposed. The Holy of Holies and the Temple were where Israel knew it could always find its God. The opening of the Holy of Holies by the tearing of the curtain and, a few years later, the destruction of the Temple itself by the Roman army was traumatic. With no more Temple and no more Holy of Holies, where could the people go to find God now?
As the people and the rabbis confronted this question, many came to the conclusion that the Law and their traditions were where they could go to meet God. The Jewish followers of Jesus, though, came to a different, more radical, conclusion. They came to see, through their belief in Jesus’ teachings, death, and Resurrection, that Jesus himself was the new Temple and they would encounter God there.
And this new Temple, this new Holy of Holies, wasn’t separated from people or from the world. Now God could be found anywhere and everywhere, and no curtain separated God and people any more. Fifteen hundred years later, St. Ignatius of Loyola urged people to seek to find God in all things, insisting that all things were places to meet God, even those things, people, and events that seem to be empty of God, including the events of Jesus’ own passion and death. Nothing can keep God from meeting us and us from meeting God.
This Easter season is a perfect time for us to deepen our appreciation of the fact that Christ is God’s Temple and that there are no more curtains now between God and us, God and the world, God and life. Fifty days spent pondering this, as we move towards Pentecost, can make a tremendous difference in where we look for God and how we look at everything around us.
For more spiritual commentary by Fr. Frank Majka, SJ, please visit his website at
Pictured: Rev. John Martin Ruiz OP, Adam Shrivinski, Carl Picconatto, Conrad DeWitte Jr., Daniel Kerns, Joel T Weber, Phillip Butler, Roderick Cruz, William Cavanagh Jr., AWD District Master John Winfrey, MD District Master Thomas Greul, Former AWD Master Joseph Murtha, and the rest of the 2015 AWD Priests' Fourth Degree Exemplification Class
At the 2015 Archdiocese of Washington Priests' Exemplification the James Cardinal Hickey Assembly welcomed nine new Sir Knights as members.
"I look forward to having our new Sir Knights assist us with our critical work in support of our veterans and military personnel at home and abroad," said Faithful Navigator Otto Heck. "As more men continue to flock to the patriotic work of the Fourth Degree, we look forward to increasing our programming and assistance to our community."
Held at the St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, DC, the Exemplification brought 16 new Sir Knights into the Fourth Degree District. The Principal Exemplification of hte Fourth Degree will take place on April 11 at the Colony South Hotel and Conference Center in Clinton, MD.
As Holy Week draws near, please consider commemorating the liturgical season of Lent by attending the Relics of the Passion prayer program at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. This unique event, organized in conjunction with the Apostolate for Holy Relics, is a rare opportunity to venerate eight relics of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ in a program of prayer and meditations. It will take place on Saturday, March 28th at 10:00am and 3:00pm.
Among the relics that will be available for veneration during the program are: a piece of the Crown of Thorns, a piece of the True Cross, and a piece of the table from the Last Supper. Venerated previously by over a million people across the United States and around the world, this event is the first time that these extraordinary relics of the Passion will be at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine.
For more information about the Relics of the Passion program, please visit or
On April 18th, 2015, The Catholic University of America (CUA) Knights of Columbus will be hosting the Catholic Leadership Conference, additionally co-sponsored by the Catholic Apostolate Center and the Archdiocese of Washington’s DC Catholic Young Adult Ministry.
The keynote speakers for the event are Most Rev. Joseph Kurtz, Archbishop of Louisville and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and Dr. Jonathan Reyes, Director of Justice, Peace, & Human Development at the USCCB. The keynote speeches of this year’s Catholic Leadership Conference will discuss the Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes: The Church in the Modern World.
This year’s theme for the conference, Gaudium et Spes: The Church in the Modern World at 50, will touch on how the document relates to young adult Catholic leaders and how they can live their faith fully in everyday life. In addition to the keynotes, there will be presentations given by noted professionals speaking on topics that affect young adult leadership today. These presenters include Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C., Director of the Catholic Apostolate Center, Jonathan Lewis, Director of Young Adult Ministry at the Archdiocese of Washington, and Dr. Peter Murphy Executive Director of the Department of Evangelization and Catechesis at the USCCB.
The conference will be held on the campus of The Catholic University of America beginning at 10:30 a.m. Schedule to follow at
The Catholic Leadership Conference is an annual conference for Washington area young adults to learn from experts in fields including politics, pastoral leadership, and academics; and use that knowledge to grow in faith and leadership. The conference’s goal is to for young adults to think about and develop the skills needed to speak the faith in their everyday lives, no matter how difficult.
To learn more about the event or to register, please visit the sign-up page at
Registration is still open for the Archdiocese of Washington annual men’s conference on March 14, 2015. The theme for this year’s conference is The Biblical Vision for Men. Our Keynote speaker is Glenn Stanton. Glenn is the director for Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family and has authored five books on marriage and family life; he lives in Colorado Springs with his wife and five children.
In addition to breakout sessions where you will have the opportunity to gain practical insights for living as a man with biblical vision, a highlight of this year’s conference will include an opportunity to see the world class exhibit on the life of St. John Paul II and to venerate his relic at his national shrine located right here in the Archdiocese of Washington.
Cost $20 – Students special discount – email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The cost of the conference includes lunch and snacks.
For more information, and to register, please visit
"Today, the Knights of Columbus is providentially positioned to play a key role in the new alliance between the Church and the family called for by Pope Francis … What is necessary now is our greater involvement in the renewal of parish and family life."
-Supreme Knight Carl Anderson