Requested Prayers:
- For SK Nicholas J. Lee as he continues his studies for the priesthood.
- For our Brother Knights in Ukraine during this time of turmoil.
- For Christians in the Middle East, especially those facing persecution.
- For Brother Ed Dever who is recovering from injuries after a fall.
- For the repose of the soul of Brother Brian Smith of GWU Council 13242 who is survived by his wife and a young son.
- For Rev. Patrick Riffle who is awaiting orders for his new assignment as a US Navy chaplain
- For all of our fellow Knights in our Councils and Assembly as they continue to serve the Church and our Nation.
Assembly Intentions:
- For His Holiness, Pope Francis, that God may protect him from his enemies and grant him the courage and wisdom to guide the Church in these turbulent times.
- Standing in Solidarity with His Holiness, Pope Francis, for the sick, distressed, and impoverished throughout the world and recommitting ourselves to serving those in need wherever we are present.
- That the Holy Spirit enlighten elected officials to adopt laws, and judges to make judicial decisions that affirm the family and the authentic nature of marriage.
- For the mission success and the safe return of all military personnel, especially those deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, and other combat zones throughout the world.
- For those men and women who have served, especially those who suffered serious combat injuries, and we pray for the souls of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives in the service of their country.
- For Saint John Paul II’s intercession, in praying with him for the Church as well as for the good of our society and for the family.
- For the Canonization of our founder, the Venerable Servant of God Rev. Fr. Michael J. McGivney.
- For Catholic Military Chaplains and for an increase in vocations to the Catholic military chaplaincy.