SK Col. Charles H. Gallina, USMC (Ret), KHS, PSD, FVSM, FDD, PGK-C, PFN-C - our charter Faithful Navigator and the honoree for the Archdiocese of Washington 4th Degree District's 46th Annual Exemplification of the Fourth Degree - speaks to Catholic TV about the Knights of Columbus Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage.
The Knights of Columbus, animated by its core principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism, has a long history of serving the military. Its celebrated Army Hut program provided hospitality for members of the military throughout Europe during the First World War. Since then, the Knights has helped sponsor war relief activities, education programs for veterans and sponsorship programs for military chaplains, in addition to providing Catholic spiritual resources for military members and a steady stream of volunteers to the more than 135 VA medical centers. More recently, the Knights has partnered with the Gary Sinise Foundation by providing funding to help complete the construction of computer equipped custom smart homes for severely wounded heroes.
To learn more about the Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage, or to make a donation, please visit