Right now Wreaths Across America (WAA) is collecting money so that every Christian Veteran grave in America receives a Wreath at Christmas. For our part, we support Arlington National Cemetery every year in December. Presently, we are behind where we were this time last year. If you are new to WAA, here is what it is:
- Funds are collected by WAA
- WAA organizes the delivery of wreaths to the National Cemeteries around the country in December
- Thousands of volunteers show up at the cemeteries (for us, Arlington National Cemetery) and help out to place Wreaths at graves. This year, the date is 16 December for all locations across America. In addition to our donations, Hickey Assembly also participates in the laying of Wreaths every year. You can do both if you wish, or just donate or volunteer.
Rather than wait until the last minute to make donations, lets start now! Let’s help WAA plan how much money they have taken in and how much fund raising efforts they have remaining. For every wreath donated ($15), the Assembly gets $5. This patriotic program enables our support for other worthwhile programs across DC. So please consider donating today.
Donation Link:
If you have additional questions, Sir Knight This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is the Assembly point of contact and lead for this program.